Monday, April 4, 2011

Beyond Evil

What the public has the right to know remains deliberately FDA withheld. For how much longer can we tolerate such depth of FDA deception?

We are passionately concerned about the several hundred studies found on NIH Pubmed and Toxnet concluding that a variety of adverse fetal, infant, and child effects are especially caused by early exposure to the toxic soy components; estrogenic endocrine disruptors, phytic acid, inhibition of several essential enzymes, and multiple heavy metals.

Attending the NTP CERHR Soy Formula Brief in December 2009 revealed obvious and outrageous deliberate industry scandal controls "Expert Panel" final decision. This group of NTP panelists were NOT experts in soy research or soy information, and in fact 12 out of the 14 panelists are directly and/or indirectly largely funded by soy industry. The 13th panelist from Cerus Corporation that is involved in blood transfusion systems had no purpose at this soy formula meeting whatsoever. Only one, Dr. Ruth Etzel was truly legitimate as an expert panelist and not under the influence of soy industry funding. She was able to voice her outrage at her peers for negligently siding with protecting industry profits, and not protecting developmental health as proven by study evidence that repeatedly concludes severe and irreversible soy contamination causation of reproductive, brain, and body damage is caused to both males and females.

This NTP meeting room was loaded with soy industry lobbyists while only 2 people out of the room of attendees spoke up to reveal massive evidence confirming accumulating study conclusions proving soy infant formula causation of extensively horrific physiological, reproductive, and neurological developmental damage caused to once healthy child. The remaining in the room of soy industry lobbyists cared nothing about developmental soy poisoning, while determined to protect industry profits.

At this meeting more than 700 studies, as well as confirming studies from NIH, NIEHS, CFSAN again exposing developmental soy poisoning were revealed during this NTP meeting. The NTP expert panel never once opened this hand delivered 223 page booklet loaded with legitimate scientific study evidence proving developmental soy poisoning. Panelists also refused to review a hand delivered NIEHS study confirming causation of severe and irreversible adverse reproductive effects. It was clear as the meeting progressed that the majority of this expert panel already knew their vote for developmental soy toxicity as "minimal concern" to ensure continuation of soy industry funding. One panelist, Patricia Hoyer, changed her mind from "some concern" to "minimal concern" simply because of peer pressure from those sitting on each side of her told her to do so.

The majority of soy formula studies reviewed by this NTP expert panel were largely reported by soy industry scientists.......the profiteers of soy formula. Meanwhile, the NIEHS NIH scientists, Drs. Doerge, Sheehan, Chang, Newbold, etc have for more than a decade provided the FDA, NTP, NIH with ongoing studies especially proving a host of severe and irreversible developmental adverse effects are caused to once healthy child, which remain withheld from public disclosure.

The fact is that soy industry studies could not entirely falsify or hide the soy estrogenic endocrine disruptor and additional soy toxic components adverse developmental REPRODUCTIVE effects proven to be caused by soy infant formula. Panel review of soy industry studies confirm (as stated in the 2010 NTP Brief) that "Soy protein isolates (as in soy infant formula) contains estrogenic isoflavones." CFSAN Dr. Shelby and NIMH DrThomas Insel are two of several government physicians that confirm "soy has estrogenic endocrine disruptor properties" of which is well-established as frightfully developmentally toxic, as are the several additional soy toxic components.

NTP panel reviewed statements, "Primary ingredients in soy infant formula include corn syrup, soy protein isolate, vegetable oils, sugar.... (all known as developmental toxins). Contaminates of soy protein include phytates, which bind minerals and niacin,and protease inhibitors, which have antitrypsin, antichymotrypsin, and antielastin properties. Soy protein isolate contains isoflavones with estrogenic activity called phytoestrogens with biological activity similar to the female hormone estrogen. Infants fed soy infant formula have higher daily intakes of genistein and other isoflavones than other populations. Blood levels of total genistein in infants fed soy infant formula can exceed blood levels in rats administered genistein at dose levels THAT INDUCE ADVERSE DEVELOPMENTAL EFFECTS. There is 'Clear Evidence' of adverse soy infant formula, other soy products or individual isoflavones cause adverse developmental effects in laboratory animals."

The NTP Brief continues with;
"There is a need to monitor soy infant formula fed infants... ..assess whether the use of soy infant formula adversely affects development...Higher uterine fibroid diagnosis for women fed soy formula during infancy...higher risk...and extreme menstrual discomfort associated with DES fibroid diagnosis, precocious puberty can occur. New Zealand Ministry of Health recommends children who consume a soy based infant formula be assessed for thyroid function if there are concerns for unsatisfactory growth and development."

Only once in this NTP report is soy causation of damage to thyroid function mentioned...while multiple studies repeatedly prove adverse soy effects are caused to the thymus and thyroid...(hypothyroidism).... of which is also found to be highly dangerous to the developing body and brain.

To this day American children exposed to soy during fetal, infant, and/or child development are an undocumented experiment of which parents are not FDA allowed to know the truth about soy's poisonous effects. The public has a right to know what is confirmed.... (or even if suggested) as having potential to cause disorders and disease to children. Do you agree?

The NTP Brief repeatedly confirms; "Clear evidence of adverse (soy formula) effects" over, and over, and over again. How is it possible that any legitimate "expert panel" could conclude "Minimal Evidence" of concern, (not enough concern to allow as public disclosure) while at the same time concluding "Clear evidence of adverse (soy formula) effects" throughout the conclusive 2010 NTP Brief!

Even "minimal concern" of adverse soy effects deserves WARNING labels for loving parents to have the right to know there is "minimal concern." In fact there exists true, and actually high concern for adverse developmental soy poisoning effects caused to a once healthy child.

Review of the 2010 NTP Brief concludes;
"Clear Evidence of Adverse Effects of Genistein/Genistin (soy formula) in Studies Where Treatment Occurred During Lactation. Genistein induced adverse effects on the female reproductive tract when administered via sc injection during the period of lactation. Clear evidence of adverse effects on the female reproductive system following soy infant formula treatment during well as multigenerational studies that included exposure during gestation, lactation and post-weaning. Treatment with the same dose levels of genistein caused the predicted estrogenic effects in all of these studies. Adverse effects on female reproductive development were also observed in rats exposed to genistein...earlier sexual maturation, reduced litter size, infertility, depressed body weight gains in males and females. Exposures through placental transfer,(to soy genistein) lactational exposure and feed ingestion could all have contributed to (adverse) reported findings. A generally consistent pattern of increased testicular weight was observed in rats and mice treated with soy diet or isoflavone supplements during gestation and lactation... The NTP conducted a 2-year cancer bioassay of genistein....there was some evidence of carcinogenicity based on an increased incidence of mammary gland adenoma or adenocarcinoma and pituitary gland neoplasms in females."

Parents have the right to know of these several toxic and potentially fatal soy formula NTP panel conclusions. That the NTP panel considers soy formula as "treatment" is alarming in it's own!

NTP report continues with;
"One of the most consistent findings of the NTP studies was morphological changes in the mammary gland of male rats. An increased incidence of mammary gland hypertrophy was observed in males... (Besides soy genistein)Daidzein has estrogenic activity of its own."

NTP Brief simply states;
"Genistein inhibited tyrosine kinase activity." Soy inhibition of essential tyrosine kinase is scientifically proven to be connected to the cause of irreversible adverse developmental brain effects and multiple other adverse developmental effects. There exists evidence that soy inhibition of multiple essential enzymes is the cause of severe and irreversible damage to neurotransmitter systems..... involved in the cause of; autism, seizures, mental retardation, behavioral disorders, hyperactivity, cerebral palsy, etc, etc, etc.

NTP Brief continues with;
"The data in humans are not sufficient to dismiss the possibility of subtle or long-term adverse health effects in these infants (exposed to soy formula and/or foods). Blood levels in infants can exceed maximum concentrations of total genistein associated with dose levels of genistein that caused adverse developmental effects in rodents."

NIEHS scientists (Doerge, Chang, Newbold) have been warning the FDA, NTP, NIH of developmental soy formula toxicity for more than a decade that to this day continue as simply dismissed....without public disclosure!

NTP Brief again concludes;
"There is clear evidence for adverse effects of genistein on reproductive development and function in female rats and mice. NTP accepts conclusions of the expert panel ("Minimal Concern" from majority of 12 out of 14 funded by soy industry) that current literature in laboratory animals is limited in its utility for reaching conclusion for infants fed soy infant formula."

No reasonable scientist can conclude that "Clear evidence of adverse effects" is synonymous with "minimal concern."

Honest and truthful FDA WARNING labels for massive evidence proving developmental soy toxicity, as well as soy formula WITHDRAWAL from the marketplace are long past due. The FDA repeatedly ignores their promised duty to protect health, protect infant's health while protecting industry profits! Who polices the FDA? No one! Clearly it is us.... we must fight to protect children's health!

If you so desire to protect children's health and refuse to fall prey to FDA's unthinkable deception, please go to:

Thank you very much!